East Ayrshire Council established a Governance and Scrutiny Committee to deal with the following:
- holding the Cabinet to account
- scrutinising decisions both prior to and after they are made
- policy review
- monitoring performance
- external scrutiny, for example, Community Planning Partners and other important matters affecting East Ayrshire
An important part of the committee's work is to review service areas. The committee holds a workshop in January each year to consider topic suggestions for possible review which are gathered from a number of sources such as councillors, council officers or individuals. The outcome of this workshop forms the committee's work programme for the coming year.
The Governance and Scrutiny process recognises that suggestions for topics for review can come from many sources including members of the public or community groups. If you or your group would like to suggest a topic that you think the committee may wish to scrutinise, you should contact us using the details below or complete the Topic Suggestion Form. Topic suggestion forms can be returned to the e-mail address below or by posting to:
Administration Manager
Council Headquarters
London Road
The Governance and Scrutiny Committee is not an alternative to the Council's approved appeals procedures and the committee does not become involved in reviewing decisions on individual applications/ circumstances. Fundamentally, the committee is not a means of making a complaint against the Council.
A guidance document has been produced which gives practical advice to all those who take part in the process and provides a reference point to each part of the scrutiny process.