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Meetings of the Cabinet will be chaired by the Leader of the Council or, in his absence, the Depute Leader of the Council.

Terms of reference

To discharge all of the Council's functions (except those reserved to the Council and those matters specifically delegated to other Committees/Panels), namely:

  • takes all key strategic and service delivery decisions
  • implements policy framework
  • promotes the core values of the Council
  • develops Community Planning, working with partner organisations
  • recommends revenue and capital budgets to Council.

To discharge on behalf of the Council its functions as an Education Authority in respect of the delivery of Education Services to pre-fives, children of primary and secondary school age and young persons.

The power to determine appeals made in terms of disciplinary proceedings involving dismissal, for all Council employees who are subject to teachers' conditions of service.

The power to uphold or reject such appeals, and to order the varying disciplinary action (such individual appeal decisions are not subject to 'call-in').

Cabinet outline

Each Administration Cabinet Member will have a specific area of responsibility for Council business with the aim of ensuring greater political accountability for the decisions taken by the Cabinet.

These Cabinet Members are politically accountable for service standards and service performance both in terms of direct service delivery and in terms of the contribution of individual services to the strategic priorities of the Community Plan, the Council's corporate plan. Cabinet Members are not responsible for service management.

The Cabinet Members also have a specific role as advocates for their service groups.  In this capacity Cabinet Members will seek to ensure that relevant service needs and service views are taken into account in Cabinet decisions particularly where these relate to Community Plan priorities and strategies.

Cabinet Members will:

  • meet on a regular basis with senior management, with a view to discussing service issues including service performance
  • seek to resolve concerns regarding service delivery with service management
  • lead on service issues at Cabinet and Council meetings
  • lead on service reports at Governance and Scrutiny Committee
  • attend Governance and Scrutiny Committees in respect of related called-in decisions to respond to questions and explain Cabinet proposals

Further information on Cabinet Members and their remits can be found on the extract from the Scheme of Delegation

Contact Information

Democratic Services Admin
Council Headquarters
London Road
East Ayrshire