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Five available Elected Members of the Council (3/1/1). (3 a quorum).

Chair shall be the Spokesperson for Human Resources, Equalities and Inclusion and two other Members as potential Chairs. 

Terms of reference

1.  To determine appeals against:

     (a)  dismissals

     (b)  any disciplinary action taken by the Chief Executive

2.  To uphold or reject such appeals or order the varying of the disciplinary action taken.

3.  To decide upon grievances raised by Local Government Employees, Craftpersons and Chief Officials at Stage 4 of the Council’s Grievance Procedure.

Delegated powers

Full delegated powers to uphold or reject grievance, grading or disciplinary appeals, or to order the varying of disciplinary action taken in respect of Local Government Employees, Craftpersons and Chief Officials


Membership for the individual Panels will be arranged by the Chief Governance Officer in consultation with Leaders of the Administration and Opposition.

Contact Information

Democratic Services Admin
Council Headquarters
London Road
East Ayrshire