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Find out about different types of licences and how to apply
Minutes from Licensing Board meetings and information about objections and refusals
Apply for permission to hold a march, parade or charitable collection
Our dog wardens investigate animal fouling and strays across the whole of East Ayrshire
How to report a pest control incident, including bees and wasps
Details of food safety investigations and regulations, including ratings for all East Ayrshire establishments
Information on pollution, contaminated land and disposal of hazardous waste
We can help if you have a noise issue in your neighbourhood
Information on community policing, neighbourhood watch and courts in East Ayrshire
About our environmental health service, their investigations and emergency processes
All about our litigation and advice team
All about our Conveyancing and Contracts team
Information about our non-housing properties including land and properties for sale or lease
How to get advice and help from an In Court advisor if you're involved in a civil case and don't already have someone representing you