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Information about our Planning team
Apply for planning, view planning applications and get guidance on making a planning application
Get information and guidance about building standards and apply for a building warrant
Apply for planning permission and building warrant applications online.
Pay your planning and building warrant fees online at the same time as your online application
Find out how the enforcement process works, the role of the Council and the service standards we set
Access our online mapping systems to view maps of East Ayrshire with useful information
Information on natural heritage areas, conservation areas and other conservation projects
Information about of our town centre regeneration plans
Find out more about our local development plans and long term planning policies which are used to determine planning applications
View visual registers for onshore wind farms and surface coal mining
Find out how we deal with dangerous buildings
Information about rights of way, core paths, footpath diversion and stopping up orders
View the latest site reports for opencast, electricity generating stations, landfill and quarry sites within East Ayrshire.
Find out how to apply for a new address, make a change or request renumbering
Information on East Ayrshire’s environment and how it's changing
Information about projects and reports are available on the Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership website
Information about Galloway National Park Proposal
Information about invasive non-native species such as Japanese Knotweed and who to contact