Reporting pest control incidents are separated into high and low priorities in order to provide a response to more urgent enquiries first.
High priority
Urgent enquiries will be dealt with within two working days. Rats and mice are generally classified as high priority, as are wasp complaints because of the perceived risk of harm.
Low priority
Less urgent enquiries being responded to within five working days or less. Ants, slaters, and other insect pests are generally rated as low priority for action.
Report a pest incident
Please call 01563 576790 (Option 1), email or report online to request this service.
Report a pest incident online
How much the service costs
In general, all pest control work undertaken by Environmental Health is chargeable. Payments for services should be paid in advance.
Our current charges are:
- £48.00, including VAT, for all pest control work (except fumigations)
- £120.00, including VAT, for fumigations
East Ayrshire Council tenants
If you are an East Ayrshire Council tenant these charges are paid by our Housing Service.
Private and social housing tenants
If you are a private or social housing tenant you should contact your landlord, before you contact us, to find out who will pay the cost.
If you own your home you are responsible for payments for work at your own property.
Specialised work
Whilst a wide variety of pest control problems can be dealt with by the service, there are some practical limitations to the work undertaken. Some large and specialised jobs may be beyond the resources of the service and, accordingly, may have to be dealt with by one of the national pest control companies operating in the particular field.
Bird control
Bird control problems are generally excluded from our service, as it is currently considered that they should be referred to the specialist companies who have the expertise required.
We currently engage with an external contractor to provide advice and assistance with gull and pigeon control.
As the nature of the job entails visiting complainants to carry out pest eradication treatments, most of our Pest Control Officers' time is spent away from their central operating base at Western Road, Kilmarnock. If you wish to make a request for a visit, treatment or advice please contact us.
The treatment of woodworm is also considered to be a specialist field outwith the scope of our service.