Under current Human Rights law, everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and of association. When considering a Notification for a public procession, we will take these rights into consideration but we will also look at the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Our aim is to strike a reasonable balance between protecting the fundamental right of individuals and organisations to organise and take part in public processions, and the need to minimise disruption to the wider community by protecting the rights of all of East Ayrshire’s citizens to go about their business without unnecessary disturbance and interference.
We also keep an opt-in list to make sure that anyone who asks for details of processions to be held in their area can receive the appropriate information to allow them to plan better and work around any problems which could be caused by the procession. Community Councils are on the opt-in list. If you would like to be included in the opt-in list, please contact the Licensing Section using the details below.
How to make representations
If you wish to make representations about a proposed public procession you may do so in writing to the Licensing Section by the deadline date. We consider the effect that the public procession would have on public safety, public order, damage to property and the disruption to the life of the community when deciding whether to prohibit the holding of a procession or impose conditions on it.
How to know if the public procession is taking place
We will publish on our website a list of all notifications that have been received for public processions, marches and parades that are being processed, including a deadline for representations. We will also publish a list of public processions that have been processed, those that have been refused, cancelled or withdrawn.
All public processions, marches and parades require to comply with the Code of Conduct, which can be accessed as a download. Where we have made an Order to add extra conditions, this will be published on our website.
How to contact us
By post:
Licensing Section
East Ayrshire Council
Council Headquarters
London Road
By telephone: 07788 252697
By e-mail: licensing@east-ayrshire.gov.uk