Number of Councillors: 13
Further information
Chair: Councillor Graham Barton
Vice-Chair: Councillor John McGhee
Terms of reference
To consider all applications detailed within the undernoted delegated powers.
Delegated powers
Details of the complete planning application delegation remits are provided on the document in the Planning Committee Delegation document.
Delegation of decision making to planning committee
Determination of applications for planning permission and applications for consent, agreement or approval required by a condition imposed on a grant of planning permission, and determination of Other Applications under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in the following circumstances.
- Where the proposal is a Major Development as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Development) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 and is not significantly contrary to the Local Development Plan. Major Developments are those developments that include 50 or more house (site over 2 ha), business/industry of 10,000m² or more, electricity generation in excess of 20 megawatts, 8km of road or rail, and retail developments over 5,000 square metres
- Any application subject to objections from more than 10 separate persons/organisations/third parties
- Where a recommendation of approval would be a significant departure from the Local Development Plan (or emerging Local Development Plan where that can be viewed as a material consideration)
- Where there are unresolved objections from statutory consultees such that approval would amount to a significant departure from the existing or emerging Local Development Plan
- Where the application is made by a member of the Planning Authority or where the application relates to land where a member of the Planning Authority has an interest in terms of the Statutory Code of Conduct for Councillors
- Where the Chief Governance Officer under S43A (6) of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 considers that it would be appropriate for members of the planning authority to take the decision on the application for reasons, including the application raising new or significant issues meriting determination at Committee. In each such case the applicant will be provided with a statement giving the reasons for the planning authority taking the decision
- Holding of pre-determination hearing into representations regarding, and making recommendation to Council on, planning applications in respect of National Developments and Major Developments that are significantly contrary to the Local Development Plan
- In respect of the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended)
- to determine all applications in terms of Section 36; and
- to determine all applications in terms of Section 27
- Any application for open cast coal; quarries; on-shore wind farms, electrical infrastructure, landfill and fracking developments which impacts on the approved restoration scheme
- Any applications for variation or discharge of existing conditions relative to restoration or aftercare of sites considered
- Any future proposed restoration scheme submitted for approval in fulfilment of a planning condition.
Local Development Plan 2 (PDF 24.9mb)