All minutes are available from the formation of the Council in 1995, while agendas and reports are generally available from early 2001. All documents relating to the Council, committees local or sub-committees are available.
This document is also available, on request, in Braille, large print or recorded on to tape, and can be translated into your language on request.
Tha an sgrìobhainn seo ri faotainn cuideachd, ma iarrar a leithid, ann an clò nan dall, sa chlò mhòr no air a clàradh air teip, agus faodar a cur dhan chànan agaibh fhèin ma dh’iarras sibh.
Dokument doste pny jest równiez w alfabecie Braille’a, w wersji z powie kszonym drukiem lub w formie nagrania dz wie kowego na kasecie. Na z yczenie oferujemy takz e tl umaczenie dokumentu na wybrany je zyk.