The Governance and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for scrutiny and review within East Ayrshire Council. It monitors the performance of the Cabinet; measures departments' success with service delivery and financial targets and is also responsible for dealing with Cabinet decisions that have been called in.
The committee also monitors the performance of third party organisations including our Community Planning Partners. Areas of responsibility include:
Corporate governance function
Overseeing our corporate governance arrangements including:
- Review and development of our Local Code of Corporate Governance, ensuring that our code is consistent with the principles and requirements of the CIPFA/SOLACE framework for Corporate Governance in Local Government. The areas covered include community focus structures and processes, risk management and internal control, service delivery and standards of conduct
- Ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s local systems, processes and documentation as identified within the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance. This includes reviewing compliance with audit committee principles
- Approval of the Council’s annual Local Code of Corporate Governance and Implementation Plan
Monitoring and reviewing of the efficiency and effectiveness of all of the council’s work and the levels and standards of services provided.
Standards of conduct function
- Providing advice to members about Councillors’ Code of Conduct as introduced under the Ethical Standards and Public Life Etc (Scotland) Act 2000
- Development and adoption of formal codes of conduct defining the standards of personal behaviour for members, officers and agents of the Council
- Providing advice to Council about members allowances
Performance review and best value function
- Oversee the council-wide implementation of best value arrangements
- Review and monitor the Council’s approach to continuous improvement in the delivery of Council services
- Review and monitor the council’s approach to public performance reporting
- Ensure compliance with best value in mandatory submissions to the Scottish Government and the Accounts Commission
Audit and risk function
- Approval and review of operational and strategic internal audit plans
- Ensure that the Internal Audit function is properly resourced and has appropriate standing within the Council
- Review of activities of the Internal Audit function
- To review the adequacy of the internal control systems
- Review external plans and to manage the Council’s relationships with its External Auditors
- Review the annual audit certificate and the annual report to members by the External Auditor
- Monitor and review implementation of audit recommendations
- Ensure the existence of and compliance with an appropriate corporate risk management strategy
Scrutiny function
- Co-ordinate and manage scrutiny processes on behalf of the Council
- Establish scrutiny groups as required and determine and review their remit as required
- Scrutinise cabinet policy decisions and service delivery and monitor spending levels in relation to departmental budgets
- Consideration of performance reports at pre-determined intervals and submission of appropriate recommendations to Cabinet and/or Council as appropriate
- Preparation of policy reviews and order of priority
- Submission of regular reports on the committee’s activities to Council