Your green/grey 240L bin is for waste that you cannot recycle which will be sent to refuse derived fuel (RDF).
For example, disposable nappies and polystyrene.
Your green/grey bin is collected every three weeks.
Collection day
Place the green bin at your normal collection point by 6:30am on your collection day.
Check your bin collection day
What you can and cannot put in your green bin
Yes please
- Nappies
- Polystyrene
- Plastic film, liners and bags
- Pet food pouches
- Biscuits and crisp wrappers
- Sweet wrappers
- Toothpaste tubes
- Pet waste
- Packaging soiled with food
- Hoover dust
No thanks
- Newspapers*
- Magazines, catalogues and directories*
- Junk mail and brochures*
- Letters and envelopes*
- Office and shredded paper*
- Books*
- Wrapping paper*
- Large and small cardboard boxes*
- Brown corrugated packaging*
- Toilet and kitchen roll tubes*
- Greetings cards*
- Food and drink bottles
- Toiletry bottles*
- Tablet and medicine bottles*
- Cleaning products*
- Pots, tubs and trays*
- Lids and tops*
- Soup cartons*
- Juice cartons*
- Other cartons*
- Food and drinks cans*
- Empty aerosols*
- Foil trays*
- Aluminium foil*
- Chocolate and biscuit tins*
- Metal lids*
- Glass bottles and jars*
- Clean and dry textiles, including paired shoes*
- Household batteries*
- Small electricals*
- Cooked and uncooked food*
- Garden waste**
- CDs, DVDs - can be reused via charity
- Soil turf and stones***
- Large electricals***
- Furniture
Where to recycle
* Recycling trolley
** Brown bin or recycling centre
*** Recycling centre
Zero Waste Scotland's recycling sorter
You can also visit the Zero Waste Scotland website and use their online recycling sorter for any local authority in Scotland.
Did you know?
Sending waste to refuse derived fuel (RDF) is a significant cost to the Council. Cost for disposal of this waste is at the highest it has ever been.
Reducing the amount of waste sent to RDF allows us to provide a reliable and cost effective service.
Excess landfill waste
In an effort to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and encourage residents to recycle as much of their waste as possible, we will not uplift additional bags from beside your bin. Please also ensure your bin lid is fully closed as we may be unable to uplift overfilled bins. If your bin is full before your collection day you can take any excess waste to the recycling centres, but we would encourage you to recycle as much as possible.
General waste containers across East Ayrshire have a sticker applied to encourage recycling. This sticker will ask you to stop and think about what you are about to place in your general bin.
If you find you regularly have excess waste you may qualify for a larger capacity 360L bin. These bins are issued subject to your household fully participating with our kerbside recycling service and the completion of a waste audit and diary as detailed in the Customer Charter.
Please note failure to complete either of these documents would void your application. Please contact us to discuss your eligibility to receive a larger container.
Frequently asked questions
Why did green bin collections change?
As part of the Scottish Government's vision of a Zero Waste Society, challenging recycling targets for local authorities were established in 2008.
They stated by 2013 - 50% and then by 2020 - 60% of waste generated is recycled or composted. East Ayrshire Council recycled just over 50% of collected household waste in 2014.
In order to meet the 2020 target, more material needs to be diverted from landfill. Increasing our recycling performance will also bring financial savings.
In 2014, 57% of items in our green/grey bins could have been recycled at the kerbside.
Won't my bin smell bad if it is emptied every three weeks?
Your separate food waste bin will be emptied weekly, this should reduce odours from your general waste bin.
Wrapping items which may create an odour tightly in plastic bags will prevent any smells from your bin. If you have concerns re smells, for example, from nappies, please contact us to discuss and we can offer assistance.
Real nappies (washable) are an alternative to disposable nappies – we can supply a trial of real nappies to interested households – available subject to stock.
What about pet waste?
Your pet waste should be bagged securely (double bagged) and placed within your general waste bin.
There is no separate provision for pet waste. Should you wish to use, the general waste skips at the recycling centres can be used to deposit pet waste.
What about rats and foxes?
Your bin should not attract vermin as long as the lid is kept closed.
Animals only see bins as a food source. If all food is placed in your lockable food bin they should have no interest in your general bin.
All the different collections are confusing me, what should I do?
Your collection calendar highlights which bins should be put out, and by following the guide on the recycling calendar webpage, you can link your personal Microsoft Outlook calendar with your recycling calendar.
We've also introduced an additional blue bin collection at Christmas to assist with the extra paper and cardboard produced at this time.
Can I have more recycling bins?
Yes, you can have additional recycling bins/boxes. This covers all recycling collections.
Will you collect side waste, for example, black bags alongside green bin?
No. Please also ensure the lid of your bin closes.
Can I have a larger green bin?
Requests for a larger green bin will be considered on an individual basis, and will require the completion of a waste audit and a waste diary. Our Customer Charter provides additional information.
What if I use sacks instead of bins?
If you are on our sack service (instead of containers), then the coloured sacks match the bin provision in the leaflet:
Present these sacks in line with your collection calendar.
At what time should I present my containers?
On each collection day, containers should be presented by 6:30am.
Three weekly uplifts, means you are required to occasionally present your green bin alongside other containers. Check your collection calendar for details.
As different vehicles will service your different containers, please do not report a missed collection until 2:30pm on your collection day.
If you receive a pullout (assisted collection service) this will apply to all of your containers.