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Information about your bins and containers including what can and can’t go in each bin
View and download a recycling calendar for your address
Information about recycling, including an A-Z of recycling and your nearest recycling centre or local recycling point
We are working with Podback to provide a new free recycling service to help you recycle your pods at home.
Request a skip or a special collection for bulky uplifts or white goods
Report a waste problem including issues related to recycling bins and centres, household waste, street cleaning, commercial waste and sharp objects such as needles and syringes
Advice on how to avoid wasting food, save money and help the environment
Waste and recycling information for businesses
Information about using different waste businesses
Find out what to expect from our service and what we expect from you
Details of our local waste strategy for East Ayrshire
If you would like an accessible version please contact communications.pr@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
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