The full complement of containers, relevant to the collection service to be provided, require to be purchased from Cleaner Communities.
Planning approvals from 2 July 2018
All planning developers are required to pay for container provision at the same time as requesting street name and numbers for the properties to be developed.
Planning approvals issued before 2 July 2018
Cleaner Communities receive a list of all developments which have received full planning permission. As each property is due to be occupied for the first time, a Notification of Occupancy form is required to be completed and sent to Cleaner Communities.
Containers will only be supplied to properties upon receipt of this form.
All containers provided to new occupiers must be supplied by Cleaner Communities to ensure that Health and Safety considerations and conformity to lifting equipment are met. Failure to supply the correct containers will result in the non-collection of containers.
With the exception of communal waste areas, which will have been identified and agreed at planning application stage, a typical residential property requires:
Residents with surplus recyclate can present bagged materials alongside the recycling trolley as well as bagged textiles, small electrical items or household batteries.
The purchase cost for a full set of recycling and waste containers will be £128.13.
For pre 2 July 2018 approvals, developers are required to notify occupancy on a per property basis, and an invoice will be issued accordingly. For self build/owner occupiers, an option to pay by card is available.
Additional information regarding the supply of containers to new build properties, can be obtained from Cleaner Communities.