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Your recycling trolley is a weekly kerbside collection service for paper and card, plastics, cartons, cans and glass. 

Collection day

Place the trolley at your normal collection point by 6.30am on your collection day.

Check your bin collection day

How to use your recycling trolley

Watch our video on how to use your recycling trolley.

Recycling Trolley

What you can and can't recycle

Find out what you can and can't recycle in your trolley boxes.

Trolley boxes

Making sure the right material go into the correct containers is important - mixing materials lowers the quality, value and demand for collected materials from our re-processors.

The trolley, comprises three separate boxes which fit securely onto a wheeled base: 

  • top box, which is secured by a lock, is for paper and cardboard
  • middle box is for mixed plastics, cartons and cans
  • bottom box is for mixed glass

Just like your green or brown bin, the recycling trolley can be wheeled to your usual collection point for emptying.

Plastic bags, plastic film such as food wrapping, sweetie papers and crisps bags, can't be recycled and should be placed in your green/grey bin (landfill waste). 

And, if you use a plastic bag to store materials indoors, it would help us greatly if you could rip the bag open and place the contents into the correct part of the recycling trolley. Ideally, the only filled plastic bags we aim to collect are those used when the trolley compartment is already full.

Helping us in this way ensures that the collected materials can be recycled/reused.  

Frequently asked questions

Visit our frequently asked questions web page for more details.

Contact Information

Cleaner Communities
Western Road Depot
East Ayrshire
Telephone: 01563 554400

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