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We hope that our frequently asked questions help answer your queries about the recycling trolley system. Please get in touch with us if you can't find the answer you're looking for.

What is a recycling trolley?

The trolley is used to collect paper and card, plastics, cartons, cans and mixed glass  from your property, alongside food waste, with collections taking place each week.

How is it to be used?

The trolley is made up of three parts:

  1. The top box is for paper and card and has a lid which is fastened by a lock.
  2. The middle box is for plastics, cartons and cans. Simply squash your empty containers and place into the box through the red flap.
  3. The bottom box is for mixed glass. Use the flap to place bottles and jars into the box.

On your collection day wheel the trolley to your normal collection point along with your food caddy, the food caddy can be hung over the recycling trolley handle.

You should not need to take the trolley apart.

The collection crew will empty your trolley and reconstruct it at the kerbside for you to wheel back to your property’s storage point.

What will happen to my red and black boxes?

If you were previously issued with red and black boxes, (used pre issue of recycling trolley) they will be left with you and can be used for any excess materials. Our Recycling collection service guide (PDF 6Mb) provides additional information.

We recognise that some residents may no longer wish to keep their red and black boxes so we can uplift these.

Please call 01563 554033 to arrange an uplift

The top box looks too small for my paper and card?

Remember the trolley will be collected weekly, not four weekly, and it should give you enough space.

If you have large pieces of card for collection, simply fold flat and place alongside your recycling trolley.

We’ll also leave your black box and red box for any excess materials.

Can I have more than one recycling trolley?

Our standard provision is one trolley per household. However, if you regularly produce excess volumes of recyclate, get in touch and we’ll work with you to find a solution.

I receive an assisted collection (pull-out service). Does this apply to the recycling trolley?

Yes, if we help you with your wheeled bins, we will also provide this service to your recycling trolley and food waste collection.

I live in a flat, can I have a recycling trolley?

We are keen to ensure that all residents have the same opportunity to recycle from home. Your flatted property may therefore have large shared bins or recycling trolley issued

I share my containers with my neighbour to save space – can we still do this?

Recycling trolleys are issued to all households as standard. However, please get in touch and we’ll work with you to find a solution if space is tight.

Can I still put out textiles for collection alongside the recycling trolley?

Yes, you can. Simply place textiles, secured in a tied bag on top of your recycling trolley, or in your red or black box, and the collection crew will uplift.

What about batteries?

Household batteries should be secured in a bag and either be placed on top of the recycling trolley for collection, or the bag can be loosely tied to the recycling trolley handle.

What about small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)?

WEEE can be placed out for collection in either your red box or black box.

What should I do if my food liners keep splitting?

Stop using the roll of liners and request a new roll by tying a liner to the handle of your trolley. All food liners have a shelf life, and the roll you're using may be too old. If you run out of liners, you can line your caddy with a newspaper until you receive a new roll from your crew. Please do not place food waste loose into the caddy as it won't be emptied.

Will you accept large card if it's wet?

Ideally we would ask that you flat-pack your card and only place it out for uplift on your collection day, keeping it as dry as possible. Alternatively, you can take flat-packed card to Recycling centres or local recycling points. If this isn’t possible and the card gets very wet, we’ll do our best to uplift what we can.

Contact Information

Cleaner Communities
Western Road Depot
East Ayrshire
Telephone: 01563 554400