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This is a specialist type of foster caring where children demonstrate a higher level of need and require a team approach to their care. These children have a very specific care plan and input from a number of professionals each week to aid their recovery and development.

The children and young people

Children and young people requiring intensive fostering are usually aged 7 and upwards. They will need a single placement where there are no other children in the house so that the foster carers and other professionals can work intensively with them on the issues they bring. These children usually have experienced disrupted backgrounds with a high level of abuse and neglect. They can be challenging and may have had previous placements which have not worked for them.

What do we do?

As a wraparound team, we support the trained foster carer to provide a therapeutic environment for the child within their home. They will be supported depending on the child’s care plan which can include support workers, health professionals, educational psychologist and teaching staff. We provide a high level of support to these placements and access to 24 hour support.

The rewards

Intensive foster carers work as part of a professional team around the child and are provided with training to develop the knowledge and skills needed. The children and young people engage in an intensive plan and, given a safe, caring and predictable environment, are able to reduce risky behaviour and begin to engage positively in education and community activities. These placements help children and young people change and prepare for a short-term or permanent family placement or a return home, if appropriate.

Intensive foster carers are paid a higher rate of fee to provide a singleton placement and allowances. Frequent respite is built into the intensive fostering placement to provide regular breaks to recharge. 


Contact Information

Fostering and Adoption
Telephone: 01563 554200 (Option 2)