Your black and red boxes can be used for excess and additional recycling.
Place all bagged items in box(es) or place on top of recycling trolley unless otherwise advised.
Top tips
Try not to place your red or black box out on windy days – either store until next week or take to your nearest recycling centre or recycling point.
Do not pierce, crush or flatten aerosols before recycling.
Clean aluminium foil and food trays can be placed in the black box too.
To check if a foil container is aluminium, put it through a ‘scrunch’ test. Simply scrunch the item in your fist, then release your grip. If the foil has stayed scrunched, then it is aluminium, and can be recycled. If it pops out into its original form, it is not aluminium and should be put in your green/grey bin.
What happens to your collected waste
Because metals like aluminium and steel aren’t altered when they are melted down they can be endlessly recycled. The recycling process saves up to 95% of the energy compared to making the metals from their raw materials, as well as cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Each household uses approximately 600 food tins 380 drink cans per year. Recycling one can saves enough energy to power a computer for one hour or power a television for three hours.
It can take as little as six weeks for a drink can to be recycled, and back on the supermarket shelf as another can.
The average household uses 27 aerosols, 182 foil trays each year. Britain uses over 425,000 miles of household foil every year - that'll take you around the world 17 times.
Find out more at Alupro: MetalMatters