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In serving the people of East Ayrshire, we aim to:

  • eliminate poverty, deprivation and unemployment
  • protect the weak and vulnerable in all our communities
  • secure a quality environment for living, learning and working
  • strive for a society based on equality and equal opportunities

Working in partnership with others, we will work to deliver high quality services across East Ayrshire, which are sustainable, accessible and meet people's needs.

Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council
Fiona Lees, Chief Executive 

Community plan

The Community Plan (2015/30) is the strategic planning document for the delivery of all public services in East Ayrshire.

Our vision

"East Ayrshire will be a place with strong vibrant communities where everyone has a good quality of life and access to opportunities, choices and high quality services which are sustainable and meet people’s needs."

In partnership and through consultation with our communities, we have identified three themes which we will focus on during the life of our Community Plan: Economy and Skills; Safer Communities, and Wellbeing.  Visit the Community Planning website to find out more.

Service improvement plans

Service improvement plans are an essential element of the Council’s performance management and improvement framework. They set out the key issues for delivering services in support of the Community Plan Vision and priorities, aligned to the National Improvement Framework (2017); provide a focus on performance improvement aligned to the Single Outcome Agreement; and describe the service specific risks that may impact on the delivery of the Service. Download the Education Service Improvement Plan (PDF 1.25Mb)

The Education Standards and Quality Report (PDF 796 Kb), published in accordance with Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 on 19 January 2017, identifies the services key successes and areas for improvement. The report is structured using the Quality Management in Education 2 methodology and provides a systematic framework for self-evaluation within the department. 

Our vision for children and young people

Our vision for children and young people is set out in our Children and Young People’s Service Plan (PDF 11.66Mb).

We want to ensure that each young person in East Ayrshire, including those who are not yet born have the best start in life. Therefore our commitment to children and young people, their families and carers is to provide them with the support they need, when and where they need it in order to help them achieve their aspirations and potential.

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