Our budget plans for 2022/23 were agreed by Council on Thursday 24 February 2022. These show how we will deliver a balanced budget and also set out our plans for the future.
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Our second Transformation Strategy is now reaching the end of its lifespan and with a new Council due to be elected in May 2022, we feel that this is an appropriate time for us to review and refresh the Council’s arrangements for driving forward change over the next five years.
Informed by our Community Planning Partnership priorities for 2021-2024 that were developed following extensive engagement and consultation with partners, communities and other key stakeholders in 2021, we intend to develop a new 2022-2027 Strategic Plan for the Council.
Our new Strategic Plan will build on our earlier Transformation Strategies, as well as our Recovery and Renewal work. It will set out our vision and our priorities, describing how we as a Council intend to deliver services, with and for our communities and how we will contribute to achievement of our shared Community Plan ambitions and Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. It will inform service improvement plans, embed transformation in the Council and support improved performance management and reporting.
We will be working on the new Plan over the next four months, with a view to presenting it to the new Council for adoption in June 2022, following the local government elections in May 2022.
In preparing the Plan we will include a comprehensive programme of engagement with communities, employees and partners, using a variety of methods and platforms.
Cabinet: 23 February 2022
Download the Development of Council Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Report (PDF 1.33Mb)