Our budget plans for 2022/23 were agreed by Council on Thursday 24 February 2022. These show how we will deliver a balanced budget and also set out our plans for the future.
View Council reports and minutes of meetings
Our first draft East Ayrshire Climate Change Strategy and associated action plan were approved in June 2021.
As an organisation we have also joined the UK100 and committed to the aim of reducing the Council’s carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2030 and to working with our residents and businesses to bring our wider communities’ emissions in line with Net Zero as soon as possible (and by 2045 at the latest).
Since launching the draft Strategy, we have undertaken a wide-ranging programme of consultation and engagement with our young people, communities, local business and our own workforce to seek their views on the Strategy and identify how we could all work together to reduce our carbon emissions.
Our Climate Change Strategy sets out our ambitions for the next 10 years to support local, national and international action on climate change. During our recent climate change consultation you told us what mattered to you and your responses have informed our priorities for tackling climate change in our communities.
Going forward we plan to invest in a range of activities to help us achieve these ambitions.
Cabinet: 23 February 2022
Download the Climate Change Strategy: Outcome of Engagement Activity and Future Action Report (PDF 1.63Mb)
Further information
If you have any queries please email vibrantvoices@east-ayrshire.gov.uk.