Our budget plans for 2022/23 were agreed by Council on Thursday 24 February 2022. These show how we will deliver a balanced budget and also set out our plans for the future.
View Council reports and minutes of meetings
Each year, we are required to set a balanced budget. After taking account of funding from government, economic forecasts, inflation, income and other budget issues and priorities, we were required to make £6m of expenditure reduction measures. Services across the Council have identified ways to make the efficiency savings required, through internal management actions that minimise any impact on frontline services, while ensuring investment in priorities.
In all of our budget preparations, we have been working to ensure that our services are financially sustainable into the future and that we continue to use our resources wisely.
This year, we have made further efficiency savings through internal management actions that do not affect frontline services.
The process of service redesign will continue, so that wherever possible, we are able to reduce costs and maintain services by becoming more efficient and by doing things differently.
Cabinet: 23 February 2022
Download the Transformation Strategy Update 2022/23 Revenue Budget Report (PDF 1.62Mb)
Further information
If you have any queries please email vibrantvoices@east-ayrshire.gov.uk.