It is vitally important that you keep your payments up-to-date. Please do not ignore any letters we send you about your Council Tax.
If you are falling behind with payments and worried about arrears we would encourage you to contact our Revenues and Benefits team by phone (see contact information at the bottom of the page) or by email at as soon as possible. We can discuss a repayment arrangement to suit your circumstances, helping you to keep current payments up-to-date and clearing any previous year's debts.
Alternatively you can propose a repayment plan by simply completing our Council Tax Payment Proposal form with your repayment proposal and we will contact you to confirm or discuss your offer within 14 days.
If you fall behind with your Council Tax payments, we will send you a Reminder Notice that will give you seven days to bring your payments up-to-date. If you do not do this, you will lose the right to continue paying by instalments and the full amount outstanding for the remainder of the year will become payable.
After this we will not issue any more reminders - we will make application to the Sheriff for a Summary Warrant and this will add a Statutory Penalty of 10% of the outstanding amount onto your bill. If your arrears remain unpaid, we may pass the debt to our Sheriff Officer for collection and the Summary Warrant empowers them to collect the amount in different ways such as by arresting your wages or your bank account.