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Council Tax is charged on domestic properties, the amount you have to pay will depend upon the valuation band in which your property falls.

An independent assessor determines which of eight valuation bands applies to each home in East Ayrshire. Council Tax is then charged based on which band your property falls into.

Find out more about Council Tax Bands.

Council Tax payments

The Council Tax year starts on 1 April and annual bills are issued to every household in March. Payments are due on 1st of each month unless you pay by direct debit and are collected over 10 months from April to January.

You can also pay in full for the year in a lump sum on or before the 1 April. If you do not pay your Council Tax as detailed on your bill, you could incur additional charges. 

If you are having difficulty making payments for your Council Tax, please get in touch as soon as possible.

Find out more about the easiest way to make a payment.

Find out more about help and support available.

Liable persons

The person responsible for paying the Council Tax in a property is usually the resident of the property. Residents are normally those who are solely or mainly resident in the property and are aged 18 years old or over. If no one is resident then the non-resident owner is liable.

Married couples, people living together as man and wife or those in a civil partnership who reside together in a property are jointly liable for Council Tax.

In certain circumstances, the liability to pay Council Tax will lie with the owner of the property and not any residents or tenants; this would apply to care homes, hostels and houses in multiple occupation. If you think, you should not be liable for Council Tax where you reside you should contact us to discuss your circumstances. 

Valuation bands

The valuation band is set by The Ayrshire Valuation Joint Board. If you disagree with your Valuation band, you may have a legal right to appeal and should contact the Ayrshire Valuation Joint Board to discuss this.

Please note that payment of your Council Tax should not be delayed whilst awaiting the outcome of any enquiry or appeal.

If you are having difficulty making payments for your Council Tax pay, please get in touch as soon as possible.

Contact Information

Revenues and Processing
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 554400