Our Greener Communities team is responsible for a wide range of services listed below.
The service operates from two main depots based at Western Road, Kilmarnock and Thistle Park Industrial Estate, Cumnock.
Report an issue to Greener Communities
Contact us for support and advice on arranging a funeral
Explore our parks and find out where your nearest play park is
Grass cutting, sports fields, flower beds, hedges, tree maintenance, gardens of vacant houses and street cleaning
Garden maintenance scheme for East Ayrshire Council tenants who are unable to look after their garden and need help
Information about allotments
Information about dog fouling and how to report it
Find out how to report a litter problem in your area
Find out about taking part in our community clean up events
Information about fly-tipping and how to report it
Information about graffiti and flu posting and how to report it
Information about the removal of gum throughout our town centres