We are committed to promoting a safe and secure environment and to giving our residents peaceful enjoyment of their own communities.
Report graffiti or fly-posting
Report an issue to Greener Communities
Dealing with graffiti
Council property
We have established procedures and timescales for the removal of illegally displayed material on our buildings and property. If you become aware of graffiti on public property please notify us and/or the police.
We have dedicated teams which remove graffiti as part of their weekly work.
Offensive, sectarian or obscene graffiti will be checked within one working day, where possible and removed within two working days, where possible.
Our teams are trained to use specialised graffiti removal equipment and chemicals and where the use of chemicals is either ineffective or unsuitable, we may carry out a paint over of the graffiti. These methods are environmentally friendly, safe and can be used to clean a wide range of surfaces and types of graffiti.
Private properties
Private property owners are responsible for graffiti on their properties. The Council has no enforcement or responsibility for private buildings or properties.
Where agreed with private property owners, we may remove graffiti on private properties as a chargeable service. This will only be done where the Council can safely remove graffiti without damage. Any graffiti work that is required will only be carried out on the completion of a waiver indemnifying the Council from any claims.
Graffiti removal notices
Legislation allows local authorities to serve a graffiti removal notice on the owners of street furniture, property belonging to educational institutions and certain statutory transport undertakers which have been defaced with graffiti that the local authority considers to be offensive or detrimental to the amenity of the local area.
Graffiti and fly-posting are illegal, spoil both public and private property and can be very costly to remove.
Fly-posting is when advertising posters are illegally placed on structures such as buildings, lamp posts and street signs. It is unsightly and we need your help to stamp it out.
If you witness fly-posting, please report it to us.
It would be useful if you can provide details of where it has been posted, the content of the material, and if a vehicle is being used, the registration number, make and model.
We take fly-posting very seriously and will follow up all reports and take action where possible.
Fly-posting is a criminal offence carrying a large fine given out by a Sheriff, or up to £50 fixed penalty notice issued by the Council or Police.