Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of any waste on to land.
Fly-tipped waste generally consists of single or multiple bags, household goods or large items of rubbish that are illegally dumped instead of being disposed of properly at a council amenity site or landfill.
If you see someone illegally dumping rubbish you should report it so that we can remove the rubbish and investigate the crime.
Report fly-tipping
The more details you can provide, the more chance we have of catching and convicting offenders. It would be helpful if details reported included:
- date
- time
- place of the incident
- what has been dumped, if you know. However, as some waste can be hazardous please do not touch anything or open any bags
- description of any vehicles involved, including the number plate
- your contact details
Report fly-tipping
Penalties for fly-tipping
Anyone caught fly-tipping can be issued with a fixed penalty and/or prosecuted. In Scotland the main legislation is the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990), Sections 33, 34 and 59.
Fines are up to £40,000 and/or six months imprisonment. Fines are unlimited if the case goes to the High Court, and offenders can get up to two years imprisonment, or five years if hazardous waste is dumped.
Where fly-tipping involves the use of a vehicle, the driver can be prosecuted, as can the owner of the vehicle. The Police also have powers to seize vehicles used for fly-tipping.