Our Digital Strategy 2022–2027 (PDF 2.43Mb) supports our Strategic Plan and is linked to, and aligns with the fundamental work and inter-dependencies that exist between it and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the work that is being progressed through our Workforce Strategy.
It is a key driver in delivering service based digital savings and efficiencies for the years ahead. The successful delivery of this Strategy requires a collective effort.
It is not an IT Strategy for ICT to deliver but a corporate Strategy for all services to actively engage with and to benefit from. Only through a collaborative focus and the consistent application of our key principles can we challenge, reinvent and redefine our Council services.
The Strategy will maximise our digital capabilities, change and improve the way we live, work and connect and deliver our digital vision:
To re-imagine our public services and digital infrastructures; to deliver data driven digital services which are innovative, accessible, adaptable and customer-centric; to be better integrated and better connected; providing better outcomes for everyone within a thriving digital workforce, economy and community.
Our priorities
A key aim of the Strategy is to maximise the potential of digital technologies in order to improve services and outcomes for our workforce, our businesses, our communities and visitors alike.
We will continually challenge how we design, deliver and manage services, ensure we are responsive to emerging technologies and focus on the needs of our customers, ensuring they can transact with us in a simple, quick and convenient way.
We have an obligation to deliver our services as efficiently and as cost-effectively as possible. Digital delivery lowers our costs with service users benefitting from a better experience with more choice, control and accessibility and services benefitting from increased autonomy and productivity.
Digital accessibility
Key to the digital redesign of our public services will be accessibility, and ensuring we remove barriers that could prevent interaction with, or access to our websites, digital tools and technologies, for people with disabilities.
We also have an obligation to ensure our digital infrastructures and business applications are sustainable and deployed in energy-efficient ways.
Increasing digital services
By increasing the services we deliver digitally, we create more opportunities to reduce our carbon impact and minimise our effect on the environment. Also by widening the range of services available online, this will reduce the amount of paper we handle, reduce our processing times and allow us to allocate resources to users who may still require assisted or additional support.
Digital security
Our digital security standards, practices and procedures will be continually reviewed and updated in line with industry trends in cyber resilience. Digital security will be reviewed not only at the design stage of any new service but continually throughout the lifecycle of the digital technology.
Digital strategy report
A report on our Digital Strategy was presented as part of the Council Strategic Framework 2022–2027 (PDF 6.4Mb) and was agreed by Council at its meeting on 27 October 2022.
Updates on the digital strategy
Progress against our Digital Strategy will be tracked primarily through existing corporate measurement frameworks. Service performance is summarised through a range of Statutory Performance Indicators, which are reported to the Council on an annual basis.
Comments and suggestions
Get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions on the Council Strategic Framework and its strategies:
Comments and suggestions