You are asked to be specific in your funding request and to list all items for which you require funding. This is the allocation you are requesting from the Shop Front Improvement Scheme.
Costs and quotations
You are required to identify the cost against each item, which must be based on quotations received.
Quotes for works, labour and professional fees should be based on a clear and single specification distributed to all contractors asked to quote. Both the specification, and written quotes received, are required in support of your application as follows:
- two quotes are required for works up to £999
- three quotes are required for works with a value of £1,000 and over
We would encourage local traders to be used if possible, as this supports the Love Local campaign which is part of Community Wealth Building (CWB). This will be part of the scoring criteria used by the Community Anchor Group.
We would advise using the East Ayrshire Trusted Traders Scheme.
Copies of original tenders should be on contractor’s headed notepaper.
If you are not using the lowest quote please explain why.
If you have the relevant skills to undertake works of repair to your own property, you can apply for funding award towards the cost of the goods required. A receipted invoice would be required to evidence any such purchase(s).
You will be expected to show how you have chosen where to purchase the item(s), and for larger purchases of £1,000 and over you will be expected to provide three quotes/links to websites to show best value.
Please tell us if you are VAT registered. Funding is only paid on VAT in cases where the business is not VAT registered and therefore unable to recover VAT.
Statutory consents
It is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for any statutory consents that are required, and to secure these prior to works.
Planning will provide information on consents required based on the information that applicants include in their application. Please note that a Permission to Start Letter will not be issued by the Community Anchor Group without a reference to show consents have been approved.
Consents required:
- planning permission is usually required for any alteration that materially affects the external appearance of a building, including canopies/awnings, and painting within conservation areas
- listed building consent may also be required for shop fronts as part of listed buildings
- many proposed signs require advertisement consent - for signage please refer to Planning SG Shop Front Design Guidance (PDF 3.54 MB)
- a building warrant may also be required, depending on the level of intervention
- evidence of pre-application communication (emails) statutory consents - ie in relation to planning consent/advert consent/ listed building consent/building warrant - please provide the relevant reference numbers if applicable
It is not necessary to have secured consent before making an application for funding, but you will have to show in writing that you have had communication on your proposal with the relevant department.
Tick if you have proof of any statutory consents if applicable.
For shop front design principles, please refer to the Planning SG Shop Front Design Guidance linked above.
Contact details
Contact details for the Development Management Team are:
Contact details for Building Standards are: