The Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) is a Scottish Government capital fund and East Ayrshire Council are inviting applications for projects that support community led projects which are reflected in local Community Action Plans, Place Plans, community engagement activity or through other community led regeneration work.
The fund will support significant change for East Ayrshire communities through community led projects. We recognise that projects which will make a real difference to their communities are likely to require significant investment.
Funding 2024/2025 (Year 4 of 5)
For this year of the PBIP fund there will be an indicative allocation of £792,000 which is still to be confirmed by the Scottish Government.
There will also be no minimum or maximum cap. You can apply for as little or as much as you like. However, before deciding how much to apply for, applicants are strongly advised to adopt a 'share the love' mindset showing empathy, compassion, and recognising that the fund is to deliver for all of East Ayrshire, all of its communities and intends to make as many ideas come to fruition as possible.
Applications who show they have considered collaboration, partnership, and that they have adopted a share the love mind-set will be welcomed and considered favourably in the assessment process. It is up to you in your application to demonstrate this.
Information events
Two Love Local conferences took place in January showcasing various PBIP projects, funding partners and advice prior to the opening of PBIP for 2024/2025. You can read more about it and view the photos from the day on our Love Local Page. You can also read the PBIP Brochure (PDF 17.39Mb) to see what other community groups were successful previously.
Discover how PBIP’s capital fund empowers community-led projects in East Ayrshire. Dive into our online events below for more information, designed to help guide you through the application process and help your application be the best it can be.
Register for the PBIP Webinar
Project support questionnaire
It may be the case that you are not sure you are ready to apply to the PBIP fund. If you are in doubt we would encourage you to complete our questionnaire which will be shared with a group of council officers with various expertise. One of our officers will be in touch to help.
Project Support Questionnaire
Information about who can apply and the application process
Guidance to help applicants with their application
Information about contracts and assessments required for projects
Frequently asked questions about the funding
Shop front improvement scheme: 2023/2024
If you wish to apply for the Shop Front Improvement Scheme 2023/2024 please contact the Community Led Regeneration Team in the first instance by email.
See examples of improved shop fronts during the first phase in 2021/2022.
Press release 25 August 2022
Communities receive over £1 million to assist with local place based initiatives.