You should seek written prices from contractors, and ensure that responses are provided on headed notepaper, or emails include relevant quality standard information.
Be specific about what it is you hope to achieve with your project to ensure the contractors fully understand what it is they are being asked to quote for, and send the same specification to each contractor to ensure a fair process.
Ask the contractors to send you a price breakdown and to give you an idea as to how they would go about undertaking the works, including when they would be able to fit you into their schedule. It may be that you would rather go with a higher price if the contractor is able to undertake the work earlier than the others for instance.
You might like to ask the contractor to follow the following example:
Invitation to quote to be returned to:
[Address] by [date]
[Business address]
We have read the specification of work and the associated drawings (where required) referred to therein, and by returning this quotation confirm that we are willing to execute the whole of the said works described for the tender sum of:
[£value excluding VAT]
Broken down as follows:
[Cost breakdown of all items]
Please provide any trade or quality marks
You are reminded that:
- two quotes are required for works up to £999
- three quotes are required for works with a value of £1,000 and over
- we would encourage local traders to be used if possible as this supports the Love Local campaign which is part of Community Wealth Building (CWB)
- we would advise using the East Ayrshire Trusted Traders Scheme