The Council is responsible for deciding how much rent to charge for Council housing. Generally there are variations which reflect the different house types and sizes.
Harmonising rents
The current structure of our rents has evolved from different historic rent setting mechanisms dating back to the old district councils and in some cases, county councils. This has resulted in varying rent charges for similar properties across the area. In addition, the practice of applying flat rate rent increases has eroded the differential between small and large houses resulting in little variation.
Tenants remain strongly supportive of continuing to harmonise rents. Through this process, all Council tenants across East Ayrshire are moving towards paying the same rent for properties of the same size and type.
April 2020 will see the fifth of seven harmonisation adjustments made to rent charges. The sixth and seventh adjustments will be made in April 2021 and April 2022, at which point the rent harmonisation will be complete.
Rent consultation
Our rent consultation takes place mid-January every year and gives tenants an overview of budgets, spending commitments and the option for their choice of rent increase.
Visit our consultations page.
After the consultation and approval process is complete we will write to everyone with the new rent charges.
Depending on how your current rent compares to the 'target' rent for the property size and type, your individual rent may go up by a little more, or a little less, than the percentage recommended by the consultation.
Please contact us if you would like to know more.