Building a fairer economy Strategies and plans which have enabled building a fairer economy: Active Travel Strategy Annual Procurement Strategy Ayrshire Community Wealth Building Charter Ayrshire Growth Deal Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy Children and Young People's Services Plan (PDF 3.30Mb) Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership Community Led Action Plans Community Renewal Fund Economy and Skills Delivery Plan (PDF 553Kb) Education Service Improvement Plan (PDF 1.25Mb) Employability Programme (PDF 2.72Mb) Fair Work Convention Levelling Up Fund (PDF 990Kb) Local Development Plan 2 Local Outcome Improvement Plan (PDF 883Kb) Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (PDF 1.09Mb) Regional Skills Investment Plan Service Improvement Plans Shared Prosperity Fund Strategic Transport Projects Review (PDF 1.30Mb) Young Person's Guarantee/Kickstart Scheme
Tackling poverty and inequality Strategies and plans which have enabled tackling poverty and inequality: Child Poverty Action Plan (PDF 1.33Mb) Children and Young People's Services Plan (PDF 11.66Mb) Community Led Action Plans Cost of Living Response (PDF 1.11Mb) Digital Strategy Education Service Improvement Plan (PDF 1.25Mb) Housing Asset Management Framework (PDF 1.45Mb) Housing Investment Programme (PDF 1.06Mb) Local Housing Strategy (PDF 1.20Mb) Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (PDF 2.41Mb) School Meals/Food for Life Service Improvement Plans Strategic Housing Investment Plan (PDF 2.71Mb)
Improving community wellbeing Strategies and plans which have enabled improving community wellbeing: Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Improvement Plan (PDF 992Kb) Children and Young People's Services Plan (PDF 3.30Mb) Corporate Parenting Action Plan (PDF 4.15Mb) Digital Strategy Health and Social Care Strategic Plan (PDF 4.99Mb) HEART Wellbeing Model Local Housing Strategy (PDF 1.20Mb) Partnership Provider Statement (PDF 1.60Mb) Service Improvement Plans Suicide Prevention - Here to Listen Thinking Differently Violence Against Women Partnership Strategic Plan (PDF 4.73Mb) Wellbeing Delivery Plan (PDF 512Kb) Wellbeing Support
Supporting children and young people Strategies and plans which have enabled supporting children and young people: Children and Young People's Cabinet Children and Young People's Services Plan (PDF 3.30Mb) Curriculum for Excellence East Ayrshire Promise (PDF 185Kb) Education Standards and Quality Report (PDF 2.34Mb) Getting it Right for Every Child Health and Social Care Strategic Plan (PDF 4.99Mb) HEART Wellbeing Model Rights Respecting Schools (PDF 428Kb) Scottish Attainment Challenge/Pupil Equity Fund Service Improvement Plans Wellbeing Delivery Plan (PDF 512Kb)
Delivering a Clean Green East Ayrshire Strategies and plans which have enabled delivering a Clean Green East Ayrshire: Active Travel Strategy Climate Change Strategy Climate Change Strategy Report (PDF 1.62Mb) Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership Community Led Action Plans Digital Strategy East Ayrshire Recreation Plan 2021–2024 Local Development Plan 2 Local Housing Strategy (PDF 1.20Mb) Local Transport Strategy National Transport Strategy Regional Transport Strategy (PDF 5.17Mb) Road Asset Management Plan 2022–23 (PDF 1.68Mb)
Ensuring financial sustainability and resilience Strategies and plans which have enabled ensuring financial sustainability and resilience: Annual Procurement Strategy Best Value Digital Strategy Financial Strategy Health and Social Care Strategic Plan (PDF 4.99Mb) Local Development Plan 2 Local Outcome Improvement Plan (PDF 883Kb) Partnership Provider Statement (PDF 1.60Mb) Place Principle Public Sector Equality Duty Scottish Government Programme for Government Service Improvement Plans Shared Equality Outcomes (PDF 561Kb) Workforce Strategy