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Suicide Prevention Here to Listen logo

Suicide is one of the main causes of death among people in Scotland today, with two people dying by suicide each day. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy. Most people contemplating suicide may not want to die; they want to stop the pain and difficulties they are suffering at the time.

How you can help

The best way to find out if someone is thinking about suicide is to ask directly. Open talk and genuine concern about someone's thoughts of suicide are a source of relief and are key elements in preventing immediate danger of suicide. 

Suicide prevention is often made difficult by the stigma attached - people find it difficult to speak freely about it. This stigma leads to misunderstanding and intolerance. East Ayrshire's Here to Listen suicide prevention strategy aims to change these attitudes by increasing awareness and understanding in our communities. 

It is important that if you find yourself in a situation where someone has told you they are thinking about suicide that you know what to do next. You are not expected to know all the answers - the most important thing is to listen and to know where to get further support.

There are many local and national organisations that can help with this, such as Breathing Space and the Samaritans.

  • Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87 (lines open Monday-Thursday 6pm-2am, Friday-Sunday 6pm-6am)
  • Samaritans 116 123 (Free) (Lines open 24 hours)

Mental health practitioners

The Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) is a mental health professional who works within GP practices.

They offer assessment and provide guidance for adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties. The aim is to ensure people, who may be struggling with a change or deterioration of their mental health, receive a prompt, specialist mental health assessment which is accessible locally within their own GP practices.

The MHPs are based within the following GP practices in East Ayrshire:

List of GP practices
AreaPracticeTelephone number
Auchinleck Auchinleck Surgery 01290 424713
Crosshouse Crosshouse Medical Practice 01563 521506
Cumnock and Muirkirk Tanyard Medical Practice 01290 421157
Dalmellington Dalmellington Health Centre 01292 550238
Darvel and Newmilns Loudoun Medical Practice 01560 320205
Drongan Taiglum Medical Centre 01292 591345
Galston Galston Medical Practice 01563 820424
Kilmarnock Old Irvine Road Surgery 01563 522413
Kilmarnock Portland Medical Practice 01563 522411
Kilmarnock Portland Road Surgery 01563 522118
Kilmarnock The Wards Medical Practice 01563 526514
Kilmarnock and Kilmaurs Marnock Medical Group 01563 523593
Mauchline and Catrine Ballochmyle Medical Group 01290 456001
New Cumnock Valley Medical Practice 01290 338242
Patna Riverside Medical Practice 01292 532500
Stewarton Stewarton Health Centre 01560 486784

Suicide first aiders

Or you can telephone our own Suicide First Aiders who can help organise suicide prevention counselling or talk you through the additional supports that are available:

List of suicide first aiders
NameOrganisationTelephone number
Aileen Shipton Member of the public 07867 983098
Allan Knox East Ayrshire Council 07920 757794
Alyson White East Ayrshire Council 07967 025367
Amanda Byrne East Ayrshire Council 07876 393973 or 07878 861996
Amanda Latiff East Ayrshire Council 07824 473388
Andrew McClure East Ayrshire Council 07879 402545
Andrew Swanson Centrestage 07393 019962
Angela Wood East Ayrshire Council 07853 980811
Barry Young East Ayrshire Council 07741 674227
Bernard Shepherd East Ayrshire Council 07798 563325
Cameron Girvan East Ayrshire Council 07792 071849
Catherine Vance East Ayrshire Council 07881 975840 or 07876 393625
Cheryl Taylor East Ayrshire Council 07990 084441
Connie Pearce Member of the public 07734 328562
Courtney Norris East Ayrshire Council 07500 881389
Danielle Kilday East Ayrshire Council 01290 427809
Darren Clark Police Scotland 01563 505090
David McGuire Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 07879 631881
Denise Fraser North Ayrshire Council 07823 551907
Eimear Sinnott NHS 07393 029552
Elaine McMurray East Ayrshire Council 07472 852511
Emma Murdoch East Ayrshire Council 07969 082159
Eunice Wyllie Member of the public 07496 638390
Fiona Loy Release Ayrshire 07721 235777
Frank Johnstone East Ayrshire Council 07584 583096 or 07592 018709
Gillian McCrone East Ayrshire Council 07415 949360
Graeme Smith Police Scotland 07815 006417
Guy Jenner Police Scotland 07815 008277
Hazel Brannigan Member of the public 07554 777154
Ian Fleming East Ayrshire Council 07496 623159
Ire Dobson East Ayrshire Council 07714 809219
Jenna Chafey Member of the public  07588 049131
Jim Thompson Beautiful Inside and Out 07758 949010
Katie Clark East Ayrshire Council 07721 235918
Kevin Ferguson Red Cross 07860 403737
Kirsty Dominick Police Scotland 07813 729653
Laura Wells East Ayrshire Council 07907 772653
Lauren Mair East Ayrshire Council 07975 967385
Linsey Ivory Member of the public 07546 569924
Lisa Sneddon East Ayrshire Council 07966 655425
LJ Lockwood East Ayrshire Council 07385 936897
Lorna Dougan Centrestage 07341 866067
Lorna Wallace East Ayrshire Council 07912 622921
Lucy Peckett Member of the public  07535 108899
Mandy Brown The Three Sixty Charity 07506 248783
Margaret McGettigan Member of the public 07720 617200
Margaret McLean Bikers as Friends Scotland (BAFS)/Branching Out 07368 878564
Marna Ferguson Whitletts Football Club 07470 782967
Michael McClymont Police Scotland 07889 630177
Nicole McCrindle East Ayrshire Council 07919 625956
Nikki Martin East Ayrshire Council 07876 878867
Paul Tomkinson Police Scotland 07810 522709
Rachel O'Neill East Ayrshire Council 07500 880853
Rachel Sweeney Children 1st 07384 806228
Rhys Hewitson East Ayrshire Council 07874 362372
Ros Shepherd East Ayrshire Council 07929 096195
Scott Chafey East Ayrshire Council 07484 390032
Shaunagh McCutcheon East Ayrshire Council 07867 190949
Sharon McLachlan North West Kilmarnock Community Action Plan Group 07889 657765
Steph McCamon East Ayrshire Council 07724 513119
Stuart Cassells Member of the public 07854 630158
Sylvia Reid Netherthird Community Centre 07789 556159
Tom Andrews East Ayrshire Leisure 07544 316211
Vicky Hodge Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 07880 645078
Yvonne Gallacher East Ayrshire Council 07971 999928

Support directory

We have also produced a useful suicide support directory (PDF 1.29Mb) which is full of contact numbers and advice if you or someone you know needs help.

If you are worried about someone don’t be afraid to ask them, it could save their life.


We are now able to provide Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) which is open to anyone free of charge. If you are interested please email for further information.

ASIST is a two day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid, which aims to enable participants to become more willing, ready and able to recognise signs and intervene effectively to help persons at risk of suicide.

United to Prevent Suicide logoUnited to Prevent Suicide

United to Prevent Suicide is Scotland’s national suicide prevention strategy. Sign up on the United to Prevent Suicide website and join the movement in Scotland to talk about suicide and save lives.


Ask, tell - a healthy conversation

This video animation gives tips on how and when to have compassionate conversations with people who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or mental distress.

Ask, tell - look after your mental health

This video animation explores what mental health is and that we all have mental health.

Ask, tell - every life matters

This video animation explores the issue of suicide, provides facts about suicide in Scotland and most importantly it helps build confidence to listen, talk and take action.

Contact Information


Health and Safety
Council Headquarters
London Road
Telephone: 01563 554825