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Securing financial sustainability and ensuring resilience

Our budget consultation 2023/24 is now closed.

We will make sure that your comments are reviewed and used to inform the 2023/24 budget that will be set by Council on 23 February 2023.

We've made effective arrangements to keep up our continuous improvement in performance with regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness, equal opportunities and sustainable development.

Our key plans and strategies are aligned with those of our partners and there is a focus on place, a commitment to reducing inequalities, promoting community empowerment, and delivering community led regeneration.

We value and respect our third and independent sector partners and work closely to design and deliver services across our communities.  We operate, organise  support and commission a range of services with partners, always remembering to focus on  people and families first.

Across East Ayrshire there are many examples of community power working successfully, including:

  • volunteering
  • community led regeneration
  • place based investment
  • community asset transfer
  • participatory budgeting

We want to build on this, to effect change and demonstrate improved outcomes for people who use our services.

Our Capital Investment Programme reflects our recovery and renewal priorities, with investment in projects including:

  • schools and early year investment
  • economic development
  • Ayrshire Growth Deal
  • town centre regeneration
  • carbon reduction
  • housing
  • community
  • leisure
  • health and social care

These investments will help bring benefits to our local economy, boost local employment and local spend and grow plans for community wealth building.

Our Place Based Investment Programme, funded by the Scottish Government, is supporting community led projects which are reflected in local Community Action Plans, Place Plans, community engagement activity or other community led regeneration.

Working with our local business associations, we introduced our innovative East Ayrshire Gift Card scheme designed to help boost local trade and encourage people to “Love Local” in their shopping habits and boost the local economy.

We still face significant financial pressures and uncertainty beyond the financial year 2022/23.

Our medium term financial strategy highlights an anticipated cumulative budget gap of £39m by 2027 based on a medium risk scenario and will require continued collaboration and planning to close the gap and achieve a balanced budget each financial year.

Workforce planning has been a key component in service redesign, making sure our services to achieve greater flexibility and embed an empowered approach. The Workforce Plan is shaping our workforce for the future and has opened up new career change pathways for staff.

How to have your say

Our budget engagement process took place from 18 January to 1 February 2023 and is now closed.

Contact Information


Council Headquarters
London Road
East Ayrshire