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Our budget consultation 2023/24 is now closed.

We will make sure that your comments are reviewed and used to inform the 2023/24 budget that will be set by Council on 23 February 2023.

In October the Council set out its financial plans for the next five years and we calculated that our expenditure will be more than our income by around £39 million over that time. 

Like households across East Ayrshire and beyond, we are also seeing substantial increases in the price we pay for food and energy. Inflation is having a real impact on our finances - our costs are going up and our income is being eroded. 

For 2023/24 we have a budget gap of £8 million. However, even with these pressures, we are keen to maintain the priorities which are important to the Council and our communities and we will allocate our financial resources to support these.

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