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Delivering a Clean Green East Ayrshire

Our budget consultation 2023/24 is now closed.

We will make sure that your comments are reviewed and used to inform the 2023/24 budget that will be set by Council on 23 February 2023.

Climate change affects us all and we can all make changes to our lifestyles and working practices which can help reduce harmful carbon consumption and emissions.

Our Clean Green East Ayrshire Climate Change Strategy sets out our ambitions for the next 10 years to support local, national and international action on climate change and make East Ayrshire Council a net zero council by 2030.

We are making sure that all of our new buildings use zero carbon heating systems and have a clear pathway to being zero carbon by 2030. We are also decarbonising our fleet of vehicles, while encouraging active travel through walking, cycling and public transport.

Household and commercial waste accounts for 42% of our carbon footprint and we are continually looking at how we can reduce, reuse, recycle and recover waste to improve resource efficiency whilst working towards a circular economy.

We recently consulted on our  Climate Change Strategy and have received excellent feedback which will inform our work in this area. However, we welcome further comments to support our actions around energy, transport, waste and the natural environment.

How to have your say

Our budget engagement process took place from 18 January to 1 February 2023 and is now closed.

Contact Information


Council Headquarters
London Road
East Ayrshire