East Ayrshire Council, in common with all listed authorities, is required by the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 to publish a set of equality outcomes and report progress on mainstreaming the equality duty.
As a Council, we place equality at the heart of everything we do and are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and social inclusion for all our service users, visitors and employees. Our Equality Outcomes and Equality Mainstreaming Report offer us the opportunity to present a detailed overview of our work on equality, focusing on reducing significant inequalities, compliance and accountability.
Equality outcomes
We publish new equality outcomes every four years and reviews them every two years. The outcomes do not encompass the work we already do to reduce inequality and ensure fairness. They have been developed in addition to this work based on a range of sources and evidence to further focus our efforts to deliver real change in people’s lives. In developing our Equality Outcomes, we have involved our communities to ensure that our Equality Outcomes are relevant and robust.
In order to ensure that equalities are mainstreamed into the work that we do we have aligned our Equality Outcomes to our Community Plan and the associated Single Outcome Agreement.
Our schools and the East Ayrshire Licensing Board also has a legal requirement to produce and publish a set of equality outcomes and an equality mainstreaming report. Please note that the Education and East Ayrshire Licensing Board’s Equality Outcomes and Equality Mainstreaming Reports have been incorporated into the Shared Equality Outcomes and Equality Mainstreaming Reports.
Equality outcome reports
East Ayrshire Council has set Equality Outcomes with the full range of Public Bodies across Ayrshire to develop Shared Equality Outcomes. This is in recognition that we are all seeking to serve the same communities. Given that Equality Outcomes require to be integrated into existing business and based on evidence of the needs of our local population, it was agreed it would be beneficial to consider possible joint engagement and setting of shared equality outcomes.
The partners involved are:
- Ayrshire College
- South West Scotland Community Justice Authority
- North Ayrshire Council
- South Ayrshire Council
- East Ayrshire Council
- NHS Ayrshire & Arran
- North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
- South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
- East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
- The Ayrshire Joint Valuation Board
The Development of the Shared Equality Outcomes build on the Council’s previous work on advancing equalities and are based on a robust analysis of national and local data, as well as extensive consultation. These outcomes also cover the Council, Education Service and East Ayrshire Licensing Board that will ensure that, as separate listed bodies under the Equality Act 2010, we meet the identified Equality Outcomes through specific actions.
In line with the guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the work has been aligned, where possible, with the East Ayrshire Community Plan and associated Single Outcome Agreement (SOA).
Equality mainstreaming report
The Council’s Mainstreaming Report sets out how equalities are being mainstreamed into the functions and activities of our organisation. It also provides information on our schools and employees, and demonstrates ways in which we are meeting the general and specific duties as set out in the Equality Act 2010.
We have produced this mainstreaming report not only in line with our statutory equality duties but also as a statement of our commitment to ensuring that we continue to provide high quality services to meet the needs of our diverse communities.
The Council's Equality Mainstreaming Report sets out how we have continued to mainstream equalities into everyday practice and we have updated our Employment Monitoring Report to reflect the work we have undertaken over the last two years. It also provides information on our schools, East Ayrshire Licensing Board and employees, and demonstrates ways in which we have met the general and specific duties as set out in the Equality Act 2010.
Equality mainstreaming and monitoring reports
Within this Mainstreaming Report we set out how we have further embedded equalities into everyday practice based on our understanding of East Ayrshire, our communities, the challenges we face, our strengths and the opportunities available to us.
In addition, we also highlight the progress made across the four-year cycle of our first equality outcomes as well as an update on the further work we have undertaken to embed equalities. This report also continues to communicate our commitment to providing quality services for all our communities.
East Ayrshire licensing - equality outcomes and mainstreaming report 2014-2017
East Ayrshire Licensing Board is committed to promoting equality, which means recognising that everyone has different needs and taking positive action to ensure that we are all able to participate in society.
The Licensing Board now has a legal requirement to produce and publish a set of equality outcomes and an equality mainstreaming report. The equality outcomes are the results we aim to achieve in promoting equality, tackling discrimination and fostering good relations. The equality mainstreaming report sets out how we are mainstreaming equality into the work we do.
Please note that East Ayrshire Licensing Board’s Equality Outcomes and Equality Mainstreaming Reports have been incorporated into the Shared Equality Outcomes and Equality Mainstreaming Reports which can be accessed above.
Licensing board reports
East Ayrshire Licensing Board Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2014-2017 (PDF 357Kb)