Penumbra and Change Mental Health provide support to anyone impacted by the loss of someone to suicide. You will receive support within a few days and ongoing support for up to two years.
Contact details:
Cruse Scotland offers bereavement support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.
Contact their free helpline, Telephone 0808 802 6161, Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm, weekends 10am to 2pm.
Petal Support provides counselling to people who have been affected by the loss of a family member or partner to homicide or suicide in Scotland.
Contact details:
Papyrus is a national charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide. For confidential support and practical advice.
Contact details:
Ayrshire Cancer Support provides a range of free support for children, young people and families across Ayrshire who are affected by cancer, or for those who have been bereaved through cancer.
They also provide counselling, therapeutic support and patient transport services.
For more information or to request support visit their website or telephone 01563 538008.
No One Dies Alone Ayrshire provides telephone support and a befriending service for those facing end of life situations. An online support group or one-to-one online support can also be provided.
Contact details:
Beautiful Inside and Out is a charity that provides bespoke counselling and bereavement support to anyone in crisis free of charge.
Contact details:
Victim Support Scotland can provide free and confidential advice for anyone affected by crime
Telephone: 0800 160 1985.
East Ayrshire Council has its own suicide prevention strategy 'Here to Listen' with details of Suicide First Aiders you can contact if you are in crisis, together with a full range of supports and resources.
Breathing Space is a free and confidential phone service for anyone experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
Telephone 0800 83 85 87, Monday to Thursday 6pm to 2am, weekend Friday 6pm, Monday 6am.
Telephone the Samaritans any time, 24 hours a day for free on 116 123.
Or it may be easier to write things down so you can email or try the new Self-Help App.
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD) support anyone who is concerned about someone else’s drug or alcohol use, wherever they are in Scotland.
Telephone the free and confidential helpline on 08080 10 10 11, Monday to Friday 9am to 11pm.
Kilmarnock Station Community Village provide a variety of free online classes such as meditation, anxiety management or mindfulness.
Contact details:
RADAR (Rapid Access to Drug and Alcohol Support) is a new single point of contact for anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use.
Contact details:
- Telephone: 01563 578770 for an appointment within 24 hours, or
- NHS 24 on 111 for out of hours
South Ayrshire Addiction Services provide a range of support services for those with drug and alcohol issues.
Contact details:
- Telephone: 01292 559800 during office hours, or
- NHS 24 on 111 for out of hours
East Ayrshire Recovery Hub is a new innovative project, supporting individuals with drug and alcohol issues linking them with recovery support, training and development within the local community.
Contact details:
Their offices can be found at 3-9 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock.
North Ayrshire Prevention, Early Intervention and Recovery (PEAR) Service offers support to any individual concerned about their drug or alcohol use.
Contact details:
East Ayrshire Recovery Network is a website that contains a list of support services, events and how to access Naloxone for those directly or indirectly affected by alcohol and drug use.
Ayrshire Council on Alcohol offer a free one-to-one confidential service to individuals who are concerned about their drinking.
Contact details:
Relationships Scotland provide relationship counselling and family mediation and other family support services across Scotland. Their work supports individuals, couples and families experiencing relationship difficulties.
Telephone 0345 119 2020 during office hours.
Home-Start East Ayrshire provide a range of support to families who may be struggling with isolation, physical health, bereavement or a range of other issues.
Contact details:
Young Minds provides information and advice about young people’s mental health.
Contact details:
Mind can help explain possible causes for self-harm and assist in accessing treatment and support. This site includes tips for helping yourself and guidance for friends and family.
Contact details: