All Councils must have an Adult Protection Committee.
Adult Protection Committees are locally based, inter-agency strategic partnerships responsible for the design, development, publication, dissemination, implementation, embedding and evaluation of all adult protection policy and practice across the public, private and wider voluntary/third sectors in their local authority area.
Adult Protection Committee Agenda and Minutes are available along with a summary overview of the meeting.
Adult protection committee partners
In East Ayrshire the Adult Protection Committee is a partnership between:
- East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
- East Ayrshire Council
- NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Scottish Ambulance Services
- East Ayrshire Advocacy Services
- CVOea Ltd
- Scottish Care
- Mental Welfare Commission
- Care Inspectorate
- Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services
Role and function of the Committee
The core functions of the East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee (EAAPC) relate to:
- strategic planning
- continuous improvement
- public information and communication
The EAAPC operates within the framework of original guidance on the operation of adult protection committees in Scotland.
The EAAPC believes in Zero Tolerance of Harm. This means that we believe all agencies, services and individuals need to do something when they know or believe someone is being harmed.
Our job is to ensure that the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 is helping to support adults who might be harmed and help make them safe.
Our Committee now produce a quarterly newsletter:
Adult Protection Committee development session
The East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee held a How Engaged Are You? (PDF 1.09 MB) Development Session on 25 October 2023.
Sub groups of the Adult Protection Committee
The EAAPC has two sub groups, both of which have Improvement/Action Plans. Please see these plans below:
Initial and Significant Case Reviews
Triennial review of initial case reviews and significant case reviews for adults (2019-2022): Learning from reviews (PDF 900 KB) was completed by the Care Inspectorate.
East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee have also completed a Triennial Review of initial case reviews and significant case reviews for adults 2019-2022 (PowerPoint 23.39 MB).
Reports for the Scottish Government
Every two years we prepare a report for the Scottish Government, which provides information about how well we protect people in East Ayrshire. Our most recent reports can be found below:
We also produce a local Annual Report in the intervening years that we do not produce the biennial report. This Annual Report provides a snapshot of activity throughout the intervening year. Our most recent report can be found below:
Should you have any comments about our snapshots please email
Inspection activity
Read the Care Inspectorate: Joint Inspection of Adult Support and Protection: East Ayrshire Partnership July 2021.
Alternatively you can read the Summary of the Care Inspectorate: Joint Inspection of Adult Support and Protection: East Ayrshire Partnership July 2021 (PDF 1.10 MB).
The Care Inspectorate have produced their Joint Inspection of Adult Support and Protection Overview Report in August 2023 which summarises their complete findings and identifies themes and key messages from their inspection programme.
Further information
For further information on the Adult Support and Protection Committee in East Ayrshire, its Constitution or to find out more about the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, please contact the Adult Protection Lead using the details below.
A team of staff can provide information and advice on Adult Support and Protection in East Ayrshire.