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Seen something? Say something

All three Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee Chairs and Councils in partnership with NHS Ayrshire & Arran and Police Scotland, have joined together in a campaign to remind people that we all still need to be united in protecting people from harm and abuse. 

The ‘Seen Something Say Something’ campaign aims to raise awareness of the need to take a closer look at what you might see or hear. Is it a friend helping someone or a freeloader helping themselves?

There are support services, including third sector, ready and able to help anyone who needs assistance with banking, shopping, house repairs or connecting with others to reduce loneliness and isolation. If someone doesn’t feel safe at home, help is at hand.

Are you worried about someone?

We all have a right to be safe. If you are worried that you or someone you know is being harmed, suffering from neglect or being abused, you should tell someone. You can contact any of the numbers below or complete our Adult Protection Referral (APR) form (PDF 305 KB).

The person causing harm may be doing it to others. Or the person who is being harmed or neglected may not be able to report it themselves.

If you are concerned about the immediate safety of an adult phone the police. Dial 999.

Any information you give will be treated with care. Even if you don’t want to give your name, we can still make sure the person’s care and welfare are protected.

For more information on Adult Support and Protection, please read this Guide to recognising and helping adults at risk of harm (PDF 1.05 MB).

Publications and reports

Contact Information

Adult Protection Concerns (East Ayrshire North)
Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street
Kilmarnock, KA1 1HU
Telephone: 01563 554200

Adult Protection Concerns (East Ayrshire South)
Health and Social Care Partnership
Cumnock Area Centre, Rothesay House
1 Greenholm Road
Cumnock, KA18 1LH
Telephone: 01290 427720


Social Work: Ayrshire Urgent Care Service
Note: The Emergency Out Of Hours Social Work Service is available after 5pm until 9am, Monday to Thursday and after 4pm on Friday until 9am on Monday (throughout the weekend). It is also available during public holidays. You will be put through to the Ayrshire Social Work out of Hours Response Service. A qualified Social Worker will assess the circumstances referred.