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Scottish slate roofing

Mauchline CARS Roofing IconMauchline Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) with the support of the Scottish Lime Centre Trust (SLCT) produced a training programme for traditional building skills.

Course information

We hosted our second traditional training course on Tuesday 12 September 2023, Traditional Scottish Slate Roofing hosted at Burn's House Museum, Mauchline.

Attendees learned an introductory guide to traditional Scottish roofs including function, structure, external roof shapes, typical details and decorative features, the causes of deterioration and the main causes of failure.

Practical work included:

  • sizing and trimming slates
  • setting out and nailing a simple traditional slate roof
  • undertaking repairs

Thank you again to all who participated including our course instructors at The Scottish Lime Centre Trust and our hosts at the Burn's House Museum. We hope all attendees enjoyed their experience and found it helpful in supporting their ventures.

Training course video

Watch the Traditional Scottish Slate Roofing Course video on Mauchline CARS Instagram

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Contact Information



Mauchline Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)