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What grants are available?

Grants available are:

  • large building repair grants of up to 90% of eligible costs for priority building projects
  • small building repair and shopfront improvement grants for properties within the main commercial areas of Loudon Street, Earl Grey Street and Kilmarnock Road – grant rate 75% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of £25,000
  • small grants for the re-instatement of architectural detail – grant rate 75% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £15,000

Express an interest on applying for a property grant

What work is eligible?

A railing in the village of MauchlineHistoric building repairs

Structural and external repairs to historic buildings including repairs to roofs, masonry, external doors and windows.

Re-instatement of architectural detail

This may include ornamental metal work, decorative tiling or timber or stone details where the building is otherwise in good condition or will be repaired as part of the project.

Shopfront improvements

Where works restore or contribute positively to the built heritage of the Conservation Area.

What work is excluded?

Work excluded:

  • routine maintenance and other minor repairs
  • alterations, extensions and internal work
  • demolition of historic fabric
  • upgrading and renewal of services, including underground drainage
  • stone cleaning and other similar treatments
  • works underway prior to approval of grant

Conditions of grant

Grants will be awarded in compliance with the terms and conditions set by the funding bodies. Please review our Grant Application Guidance Notes below for further information, paying special attention to Section 11- General Conditions of Grant Funding.

Who can apply?

Six priority projects have been identified and will be the focus for funding but this will not exclude applications for works to other buildings.

Building owners of properties within the Mauchline CARS boundary can apply for funding and will be assessed on a range of criteria including listing, heritage value, prominence and/or impact on the CARS area, level of repair required and potential re-use of historic floor space. 

Please email Darran Littauer-Dolan, Mauchline CARS Officer at for initial advice.

Grant application guidance notes

For further information  download our Grant Application Guidance Notes (PDF 478Kb).


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Contact Information


Mauchline Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)