Policy to practice
No One Left Behind aims to support those facing structural inequalities in the labour market.
In order to deliver the principles, our plan ensures connectivity with other local services and polices assigned to the national performance framework key policy drivers including:
- tackling child poverty
- addressing the gender pay gap
- closing the disability employment gap
- addressing race employment gap
- promoting and embedding fair work
- delivering the young person guarantee
- delivering on the promise
- supporting community wealth building
- supporting public sector reform
- supporting place based approaches
Our plan followed on from a full independent service review and completed in the early autumn of 2021. It is also informed by a self-assessment exercise by Local Employability Partnership (LEP) members.
This plan advances five priority action areas detailed in the East Ayrshire Employability Strategy 2021-2024:
- effective and focused engagement of the people we seek to help
- evidence progression for service users towards, into, and with sustained employment
- service targeting based on need and opportunity
- a proactive employer engagement offer that reflects an all-age approach
- interventions to address in work poverty
Both the Scottish and Local Government are committed to the shared ambition of No One Left Behind, to deliver employability services that focuses on needs of individuals first and foremost.
Our aims are to work together, building on:
- local insight and knowledge
- aligning with long term strategic plans for local growth
- targeting people most in need
- investing in skills,
- supporting people on their employment journey
We are keen to work with organisations that can deliver innovative employability services for local people that aim to support participants in their journey to sustained employment.
No one left behind operating plan
Download our No One Left Behind Operating Plan 2022-2027 (PDF 1.86Mb)