The East Ayrshire Works Financial Inclusion Pathways project is funded by European Social Fund (ESF) East Ayrshire Council.
Our aims are to help break down the barriers that can prevent individuals from taking up employment or gaining a better lifestyle, provide expert assistance around the benefit system, and how to save money.
We can assist individuals who live in East Ayrshire, are of working age, not in any training or education and fall into any of the target groups below:
- lone parent households
- living in workless households
- low income households
How we can help
We can help the residents of East Ayrshire enhance their wellbeing through matters which are important to them, such as:
- a full benefit check - income maximisation from benefits - we support clients to make claims for benefits, for example, employment support allowance, personal independence payment and more
- provide information, advice and assistance to clients experiencing debt problems to help them manage/reduce existing debts and support with contacting debtors, setting up repayment plans or apply for grants to clear debt if they fit their criteria
- ‘what if’ or ‘better off’ calculation for people considering a change to their situation through employment
- budgeting skills
- provide representation at Social Security Tribunals for welfare matters, ensuring people’s rights are adhered to within today's complex welfare state
- assistance with Scottish Welfare Fund (community care grant and crisis loan)
- occupational therapy assessment referrals
- grant/hardship assistance
- food bank referrals
- sustain/improve employment in partnership with Department for Work in Pensions (DWP)/employability pipeline
How to contact us
Please call us if you need assistance or have any questions.
If we cannot help, we will ensure that we find the right people to assist you. We deal with all enquiries confidentially.
East Ayrshire Money can also assist if you do not fit our criteria. Please call 0800 389 7750 or visit the EA Money website.
The Scottish Government is the managing authority for the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme.
For further information visit Scottish Government: European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) or follow @scotgovESIF on Twitter.