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Pàrant 's Pàiste | Gaelic parent and toddler group

Tha Pàrant 's Pàiste (Gaelic Parent and Toddler Group) fosgailte do phàrantan, aireach-chloinne agus na luchd-cùraim aig a bheil uidh san Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

'S e buidheann caìrdeil agus neo-fhoirmeil a th'ann, agus coinnichidh sinn gach seachdain tro theirm na sgoile. Tha am buidheann seo freagarrach airson teaghlaichean le clann bho 0-3, agus bidh cothrom ann airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le òrain, sgeulachdan agus ceàirdean spòrsail.

Bidh Bookbug ann cuideachd aig gach seisean. Chan eil feum air eòlas Gàidhlig a bhith agad. Bidh sinn toilichte a chur freagairtean air ceist sam bith.

Pàrant 's Pàiste (Gaelic Parent and Toddler Group) is available to all parents, guardians, childminders and carers who wish to explore the benefits of Gaelic Medium Education.

We are a friendly informal group who meet once a week term time. Our group is suitable for families with children aged 0-3 years who wish to learn some Gaelic, with songs, stories and crafts.

Bookbug sessions take place every week, supporting children's language learning and social skills. Neither parent or toddler needs to have prior knowledge of Gaelic.

Tràth-Bhliadhnaichean | Early years

Faodaidh clann a’ toiseachadh air an t-slighe aca ann a Foghlam troimh mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig Sgoil-Àraidh na Coille Nuaidh air a Champas Uilleam McIllvanney.

Tha am foghlam seo airson clan aois 3-5 a’ toirt an cothrom dhaibh a bhith am bogadh ann a Ghàidhlig na bu thràithe. Tha seo a’ toirt dhaibh deagh toiseach toiseachaidh airson a’ leasachadh na sgilean cànan aca anna Ghàidhlig anns a bhun-sgoil.

Children can begin their journey through Gaelic Medium Education (GME) in the Early years at Sgoil-Àraich na Coille Nuaidh on the William McIlvanney Campus.

This 3-5 year old provision allows for children to be immersed in the Gaelic language from an early age which gives children a good foundation to enable them to progress to Gaelic primary school education.

Bun-Sgoil | Primary school

Fhathast air a champas Uilleam McIlvanney tha clann a’ cumail orra troimh Foghlam troimh mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FTMG) bho Clas 1 gu Clas 7.

Tha FTMG a’ toirt cothroman do chlann is daoine òga a bhith comasach ann a Ghàidhlig agus Beurla, a’ leigeil le do phàiste a bhith fileanta ann a chànan eile bho aois na b’ òige. Tha iad a’ toiseachadh Beurla bho deireadh Clas 3 agus biodh dùil ann gum bidh clann dà-chànanach nuair a ruig iad Clas 7.

Tha clann a tha a’ tuigsinn barrachd na aon cànan a’ smaoineachadh ann an dòigh cruthachail is sùbailte – agus tha tòrr cothroman ann an diofar dreuchdan ma that thu dà-chànanach.

Children continue through GME at Sgoil na Coille Nuaidh from Primary 1 to Primary 7 within the William McIlvanney Campus.

GME gives children and young people the opportunity to become proficient in Gaelic as well as English, allowing your child to become fluent in another language from an early age. English is introduced from the end of Primary 3 and pupils can expect to be bilingual by the time they reach Primary 7.

Children who understand more than one language are able to think more flexibly and creatively - and being bilingual offers many career opportunities.

Secondary school

Gàidhlig (Language) is taught as a subject from S1 onwards for those pupils who attended GME prior to Broad General Education.

Centralising GME on one campus, allows your child to benefit from years of cultural experience with song, stories, dance, poetry and music, preserving the very best cultural Gaelic traditions.

We have strong links with national organisations and events where Gaelic and Celtic studies are taught and regular visits from academics, guest speakers and groups offering additional insights and guidance on Gaelic language, history and culture.

Request gaelic medium education

Parents of children under the age of five years have the right to request GME from the authority in which your child is resident.

This includes children who come from families where Gaelic is spoken and children from families with little or no background in the language.

To request GME for your child, please fill in our online school placing request form.

Gaelic language plan

Find out about our Gaelic language plan and how we will develop this.

Statutory guidance

Information on the statutory guidance for Gaelic Medium education can be found at  Bòrd na Gàidhlig: Statutory Guidance on Gaelic Education.

More information and resources

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