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Approximately 138 different languages are spoken in Scotland today and growing up with more than one language is becoming increasingly common. Bilingual pupils function in more than one language in their daily lives. There are over 20 languages spoken by bilingual children and young people in our educational establishments. They and their families bring a variety of languages and cultures to our educational environment, which enriches the ethos and learning of all.

Bilingualism offers advantages for children’s development:

  • greater awareness of how language operates
  • enhanced problem solving skills
  • experience of more than one culture

Children’s home language tends to be the first language that they learn and it is important that they continue to develop skills and concepts in their first language, as this provides the best foundation for learning additional languages and concepts.

Many bilingual young people are learning English as an additional language (EAL) and require support to develop this and to access the curriculum.

More information on our range of language and cultural support:

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