Our Community Care team provides services to older people in the community.
We aim to enable older people to live at home by providing or arranging flexible, responsive services to meet their needs.
We work closely with colleagues in Housing, Health and other partner agencies to ensure our services are co-ordinated.
Where the needs of individuals indicate that they can no longer be supported at home, alternative support in a care home may be arranged.
We can provide the following services:
- support at home
- community alarms
- care homes
- community meals
- equipment and adaptations
Where it is considered that an older person may need Community Care services they are entitled to an assessment to determine their needs. In most circumstances, this assessment will be a single shared assessment (SSA).
SSA is a process that allows one worker to co-ordinate an assessment of need and to subsequently produce a care plan and arrange services required for a person’s care package.
If you think you, a relative, or an older person that you care for may require a community care service, please contact your local social work office.