Any adult thought to be in need of community care services is entitled to an assessment to determine their needs.
In most circumstances in East Ayrshire this assessment will be a Single Shared Assessment. This is a process that allows one assessing worker to co-ordinate an assessment of need and to subsequently produce a care plan and arrange services required for a person’s care package.
This means that whoever is undertaking your assessment will consult with other professionals who know you, for example your GP, nurse or carers to gather information about your circumstances and to share the outcome of your assessment with other people involved in your care.
Consent to share information
In order for this information to be shared, we will ask you to sign a Consent to Share Information Form to ensure we have your agreement to do this. We will only share information on a need to know basis and cannot share information without your consent.
If you do not agree to share information we will still undertake the assessment of need, however, we are unlikely to be able to fully assess your needs and this may affect the outcome of the assessment.
Assessment of need
In East Ayrshire, an assessment of need can be carried out by a range of different professionals working in the Council or the NHS, for example a social worker, district nurse or occupational therapist.
The assessment will be carried out in accord with the following principles:
- The assessment should be needs led
- The person being assessed should be fully involved in the assessment
- Any carer of the person should also be fully involved
- The assessment process should be as simple, speedy and informal as possible
- Duplication of assessment or information gathering for the person should be minimised
- The outcome of assessments are recorded in a systematic way
- Access to services for the person should be quicker and easier
Who can refer a person for assessment
Anyone can refer a person for an assessment of need as long as the person gives their permission for this to happen. Alternatively, a person or their representative/family can make contact themselves to request an assessment or enquire about services.
What happens after the assessment
Once your assessment is completed you will be given a copy of it and be asked to sign to confirm that you are aware of the content of the assessment and the recommendations being made.
Once your needs have been identified we will discuss with you what supports can be provided to meet your identified needs. These supports may be provided directly by Social Work Services, by other partner organisations or indeed can be arranged by you.
If you are eligible to receive direct payments from the Council, you may choose to arrange your own self-directed support.
Care plan
When your support services are identified and put in place (we call this a care plan), we will continue to monitor them to ensure they are meeting your needs.
Your care needs will also be reviewed at least annually (or more frequently if required).
Further information
If you would like more information or think you or a member of your family may need community care services, please contact your local Social Work office using the contact details below.