If you move permanently to a care home, that will be your new home. If you are unable to fund your care from your income or other assets, you may have to sell your home.
People entering a care home should not have to sell their homes in the first 12 weeks after they have been permanently admitted to residential care. This gives people the opportunity to return home at any time during the first 12 weeks of their permanent stay.
Local authorities will assist with the care fees of individuals in the first 12 weeks who cannot afford their care fees until their house is sold.
If the answer to all of the questions below is yes, then you are eligible to seek financial assistance for the first 12 weeks you are in care:
- Do you qualify for financial help?
- Are you living in East Ayrshire prior to going into care?
- On admission, do you own your own home and live alone?
- On admission, if the value of your property is disregarded, will you have less than £18,500 in savings/cash?
If you think you, or a relative or person you care for may require a care home placement, please contact your local social services office using the details below.