Our Accessibility Roadmap shows how we plan to improve accessibility for our corporate website www.east-ayrshire.go.uk, and other East Ayrshire Council microsites.
Accessibility improvements for 2025
We will work on the following accessibility improvements:
- Accessibility statements – continue to review the East Ayrshire Council microsites, prepare and publish accessibility statements
- Accessibility training – continue to promote the accessibility training and guidance to help support staff with creating accessible online content
- Review published PDF documents – we will review over 2100 PDFs saved within our content management system and work with services to remove out-of-date documents in line with our corporate retention schedule
- PDF documents submitted for publishing – a new process will be put in place where inaccessible PDF documents will not be published – authors will be asked to refer to the new accessibility training and guidance on how to create accessible documents, or create summarised webpages where possible
- Accessibility policy – we will develop a corporate accessibility policy for all Council websites and apps, outlining the accessibility regulations and the process that must be followed by services and outsourced companies